Friday, November 03, 2006

Tidying up....

Your own feelings may be reasonable or unreasonable; how can
you expect others to always be reasonable? It is useful to see
things in this light and thereby correct the contradictions in your
expectations for yourself and others.
Going out for dinner with Kate on the 16th. I really miss spending time with her, and I want to have to the opportunity to take her out for a really good night out before I go - it seems every time we've got together recently we've ended up discussing our relationships and not a lot else, or we've been at parties where we haven't had a chance to really talk. I don't know how all this will work out for her, and I really hope she's ok....

As for work - trying to get everything sorted before D-Day (17th Nov) is slightly challenging, but pretty confident I'll get through it. Got a couple of major projects ongoing that I need to keep tabs on and I've offered to monitor the network and pick up email from wherever I may be so that if there are any problems then at least I can try to resolve from be quite honest it's going to be weird not waking up with a frantic list of jobs to get done....bonfire do at work tonight, so I'll be knocking off at 5 to go home, wrap up warm and pick up Ashi.


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