The substance of the mind.
The substance of mind is the substance of heaven. A joyful
thought is an auspicious star or a felicitous cloud. An angry
thought is a thunderstorm or a violent rain. A kind thought is a
gentle breeze or a sweet dew. A stern thought is a fierce sun or an
autumn frost. Which of these can be eliminated? Just let them pass
away as they arise, open and unresisting, and your mind merges with
the spacious sky. - Hong Yingming
Somewhere amongst the muddled thoughts of the moment I have managed to fulfil at least 1 of the items on my list of things to do today. Managed to get to see some Hong Kong cinema, in a Hong Kong Cinema! I went to see Battle of Wits tonight, which is a really good movie (with English subtitles, of course!)
Not sure what the plan is now. Think a walk, maybe a trip up to Victoria Peak if I can find a taxi that'll take me that far this late., although it is after 1am. Once again i think sleep will elude me this evening. Not even he vaguest hint of tiredness.
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