The Tree

The Tree is possibly the most unique pub I've come across. It consists of a window leading out to a patio area. There's no indoor seating at all, and the toilets are the public convenience across the road. The clientelle are the most interesting of all though. Because of the layout of the place there's no "grouping off" of people meaning it's really easy to find yourself in conversation with people.....a great thing when you're a "bloody foreigner" who doesn't know anyone. My fellow fridge mover Mal was there though and he got the ball rolling with introduct

I got back quite late and literally passed straight out after skilful avoidance of the "new" spider in the house. I've been trying to identify it this morning looking at the list of indiginous spiders in Queensland (it's become a bit of a hobby - not least because if one of the little critters bites me I wan't to know whether something's going to drop off!) No idea what it is and can't find a picture of one anywhere so i think its firmly on the list of wildlife I'll give a wide berth to!
Just found a photo I took last night of the sun setting when i was on my way back to the pub. As usual it was absolutely breathtaking - but for a change I had actually remembered to take my camera :-)

The Tree sounds like a really cool pub mate, maybe one day I'll get the chance to visit, sounds like the sort of place that i'd like!! We're all missing you, but really glad your having a good time. I think your journey has been good for me too, cos since reading your blog, i've started taking more notice of the things around me. Just slowing down every now and then, and taking in what's really going on is the way forward. The night sky has never looked so good.
P.S I'm with edd, bring me a koala back too, but no spiders!!
Glad you're taking it easy too mate. You would seriously love it here, and lets face it, I could probably use your spider despatching experise ;-)
Do you have any idea how many koala's i've been asked to bring back. Maybe i could set up a koala export business....hmmmm!
Just bring back a couple and set your self up as a professional koala breeder. You could always just get one to grab on to your back and pretend its a bag.
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